ga('create', 'UA-61278760-1', 'auto'); ga('require', 'GTM-PGX7TLB'); ga('send', 'pageview'); Possible Fairdpur Tornado April 3rd, 2017 | Journey To Bangladesh

Possible Fairdpur Tornado April 3rd, 2017


“A man was killed and 30 others were injured as tornadoes hit Faridpur Sadar upazila and Pabna’s Sujanagar on Monday evening.”


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Fairdpur MIdnight TOrnado


AGT always understimates DBZ compared to US radars so don’t read much into that. There are two storms that approach this area one in the early evening and one around midnight. It’s not known which caused the damage. Since there is no video and not enough pictures to verify tornado damage it’s hard to say for certain that it wasn’t a microburst, however it was not associated with a bow and instead an isolated cell, so it’s assumed to likely be a tornado.



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